Friday, June 8, 2012


Decorating with art doesn't mean you have to use expensive one of a kind pieces of art.

This entry has an original painting titled "Horse head" It was created using multimedia of tea and watercolors by my good friend, Jessica Albrecht.

Support your local artist and buy art from art shows, small galleries usually co-ops, art institutes, etc.

Decorative art can be as simple as vacation photos in simple black frames. This type of art personalizes your space.

The above photo is an example using Sedona Arizona photos from past family vacations in simple black frames over the TV entertainment center.

You can also use vacation photos with family photos. The above photo uses photos taken during a trip I took to Italy in high school and my grandparents' wedding photo. These
photos go together in the fact that my grandfather was from Italy. I'm very proud of my Italian heritage and love Italy.
If you're somewhat crafty here are a few do it yourself art ideas which can also make good gifts:
1.  Frame scrapbook paper. Scrapbook paper and/or fabric comes in some modern prints a collection of three in a row or four (two rows of two columns) is an example of a simple modern art collection.
2.  Make your own modern art collection.  Start with a blank canvas.  Use styrofoam cups, plates, paper towel roll, anything that is round and disposable dipped in paint to make circles on your canvas.  Use several colors that are already in your room.  If you drip, spatter, or have blobs it's ok it gives it character.

3.  Monogram canvases over your bed. Take two or three smaller canvases. Paint stripes (use blue painter tape and tape canvas angled, vertical or horizontal) or stencil pattern to the whole canvas and let dry.  Next stencil letters in a different color or shade to the canvases.
4.  Make an embossed canvas. Take a blank canvas and sketch out a pattern. Trace the pattern with Elmer's glue and let dry.  Next, paint over the whole canvas.  Use a color that is in the room. (I suggest painting outside unless you live in Arizona.  In June it's too hot and everything dries too quickly.  You may not get the effect you want.)

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