Sunday, May 20, 2012


For part of the country fireplaces are a sources of heat as well as atmosphere, where many homes use fireplaces simply to add ambiance to a room. Fireplaces can be wood burning, gas or electric. You can also have a wood stove versus a fireplace. I grew up in Michigan with a wood burner in the living room. My Dad could heat the whole downstairs of our home with just the heat from the wood stove.  It kept those cold winter days cozy or took away the chill in late fall or early spring.

Below is a CAD drawing of a fireplace with built-ins; elevations, plan view and section. This is an example of a see-through fireplace, it divides the living and dining room with built-ins on each side.  

The kitchens are usually the heart of the house were everyone congregates, so why not add a nice fireplace. Gas fireplaces are a nice touch in the kitchen to warm the room on cold mornings or chilly nights and many have remote controls.

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